What Is A Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental technique to treat problems within the tooth's soft core, known as the dental pulp. It's typically the go-to solution for infected, inflamed, or dead pulp caused by decay, injury, or repeated dental work. This treatment can relieve pain and prevent further damage to your tooth. Root canal therapy is more than just relief; it's about preserving your natural tooth structure. It allows you to have your original tooth, maintaining the natural alignment of your bite and preventing the need for more extensive dental work, such as dental implants or bridges. Contact your dentist promptly if you encounter a lasting toothache, heightened sensitivity, or swelling near the affected tooth. Early diagnosis and intervention can enhance the likelihood of a successful outcome and help you maintain optimal oral health.

What Is A Root Canal?

Reasons To Get a Root Canal

Common reasons for root canal treatments include; deep decay, dental pulp infection, abscess formation, and pulpal inflammation. Understanding the common issues, their symptoms, and underlying causes is crucial for recognizing when a root canal may be necessary. In detail:

Dental Pulp Infection

Symptoms: Persistent toothache, sensitivity to hot or cold, swelling, and tenderness.

Causes: Untreated cavities, dental trauma, or cracked teeth can lead to bacterial infection of the dental pulp.

Deep Decay

Symptoms: Sharp pain while biting, spontaneous pain, or visible holes in the teeth.

Causes: Poor oral hygiene, untreated cavities, or delayed dental care contributing to extensive tooth decay.

Abscess Formation

Symptoms: Swelling, pus drainage, severe pain, and a bad taste in the mouth.

Causes: Untreated infections can progress, forming an abscess at the tooth's root, leading to excruciating pain.

Pulpal Inflammation

Symptoms: Lingering pain after consuming hot or cold substances, discomfort during chewing.

Causes: Previous dental procedures, trauma, or deep decay can cause dental pulp inflammation.

Benefits Of Root Canal

Considering various dental procedures and among them, the root canal stands out for its numerous benefits. Root canals have been recognized as a highly effective solution for addressing severe toothaches and dental infections. Here are the benefits of root canals to oral health and overall quality of life:

Benefits Of Root Canal

Root canal treatment offers a group of advantages beyond immediate pain relief. By addressing infections and preserving natural teeth, these treatments contribute to overall oral health. Our root canal services in Edmonton aim to relieve discomfort and enhance your well-being. Our detailed procedures ensure the complete removal of infected pulp, reducing the risk of bacterial spread. It safeguards your oral health and can positively impact your overall well-being.

Root Canal Treatment Procedure

At Westview Dental, patients are advised to stick to specific rules and guidelines before undergoing a root canal treatment to ensure a smooth and successful procedure. In the days or weeks following the appointment, individuals must communicate openly with their dentist, follow specific instructions, and practice good oral hygiene. For an inside look at the root canal journey, let's drill into the details:

Pre-Treatment Guidelines

- Follow any pre-treatment instructions provided by our root canal experts.
- Inform the dentist about any medications or health conditions.

Initial Assessment

In this step, X-rays and thorough examination are done to diagnose the extent of the infection or damage. Discussion of treatment options and possible alternatives.

Local Anesthesia

Applying local anesthesia ensures a comfortable and painless experience throughout the procedure.

Access Opening

Make a tiny opening in the tooth to reach the infected pulp for effective root canal treatment.

Cleaning and Shaping

Removal of infected pulp and thorough cleaning and shaping of the root canals.

Sealing the Canals

Filling the cleaned canals with a biocompatible material to prevent re-infection.

Restoring the tooth

Placing a crown or filling to restore the tooth's structure and function.

Post-Treatment Care

- Avoid chewing on the root-canaled tooth until the restoration is complete.
- Stick to prescribed medications and attend follow-up appointments.

Healing Process

The healing process is crucial for the success of the root canal treatment. Follow-up appointments allow our team to monitor progress and address any concerns. Patients may experience some discomfort. It can be addressed with prescribed medications and proper oral hygiene practices.

Dietary Restrictions

Avoid extremely hot or cold items that may trigger sensitivity. Additionally, avoiding sticky or crunchy snacks is advisable to prevent damage to the restoration work.

Follow Up Appointment

Don't forget to schedule and attend your follow-up appointment! It's an essential step in securing the long-term success of your root canal treatment.

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Cost of Root Canal Treatment

Cost Of Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment costs in Edmonton can vary based on several factors, including the tooth's location, the infection's severity, and the procedure's complexity. Front teeth typically cost less than molars due to differences in structure and accessibility. Additionally, the extent of infection influences the complexity of the treatment, impacting the overall expense. The need for additional procedures, such as dental crowns or post-placement, can also contribute to cost variations. Dental insurance coverage plays a significant role; patients with comprehensive plans may experience lower out-of-pocket expenses. It's important to consider the geographical location of the dental practice, as regional variations in living costs can influence the overall pricing. Moreover, the experience and expertise of the endodontist may affect the cost, as highly skilled professionals may command higher fees.

In summary, the cost of a root canal is subject to multiple variables, including tooth location, infection severity, insurance coverage, additional procedures, geographical location, and the dentist's expertise. Have clear communication with our customer service team for actual cost.

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Is Root Canal Treatment Painful?

Root canal treatment is often misunderstood as a painful procedure, but the reality is quite the opposite. While the pain leading up to a root canal, caused by dental pulp infection or damage, can be significant, the procedure is designed to relieve this discomfort. Factors that can contribute to an uncomfortable experience include pre-existing pain, anxiety, and inflammation around the affected tooth. At Westview Dental, we acknowledge these concerns and prioritize patient comfort throughout the root canal process. To ensure a painless experience, we implement various measures. Our skilled dental professionals utilize adequate local anesthesia to numb the treatment area thoroughly, minimizing or eliminating any sensation during the procedure. Clear communication and patient education are integral to our approach, helping individuals feel informed and at ease. With modern techniques and a commitment to patient comfort, we aim to make root canal treatment a comfortable and positive experience for every patient.

Is Root Canal Treatment Painful?

Why Choose Westview Dental for Root Canal Services in Edmonton?

When it comes to root canal services in Edmonton, Westview Dental stands as the top destination. Choosing our clinic means selecting a team of professionals committed to ensuring your root canal experience is seamless and comfortable. Our dental teams consist of highly skilled Endodontists with advanced degrees in dentistry, holding titles such as Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D.) and Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.). This educational background reflects our trustworthy commitment to maintaining the highest standards of dental care. Additionally:

Is the thought of undergoing a root canal procedure still causing you anxiety? Fear not; our team, led by Dr. Daryn Flanagan & Dr. Jason Ng, comprises highly qualified dentists with years of experience. Don't wait; book your consultation now with our skilled dental experts at Westview Dental for an stress-free and expertly managed root canal service in Edmonton.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a root canal cost in Edmonton?

The cost of a root canal in Edmonton can vary based on factors such as the tooth's location, procedure complexity, dental insurance coverage, and what kind of anesthesia you choose. For accurate and updated information, dial 780-487-6453 now.

When should you get a root canal?

Root canal treatment is required when a bacterial infection damages the dental pulp, leading to inflammation. Symptoms include pain while consuming hot or cold items. Timely intervention is essential to prevent complications and relieve discomfort.

Do you need a crown after a root canal?

Following a root canal, a dentist may fill and leave a front tooth if it's in good condition. However, a crown is typically recommended for molars with removed dental pulp to ensure long-term strength and protection.

Why do root canals take 2 visits?

Additional root canal sessions may be needed if an obstruction prevents complete treatment within the canal, dealing with calcified canals poses difficulties, or complete infection clearance is necessary for an infected tooth.

How Soon Can You Eat After a Root Canal?

After a root canal, waiting 30 to 45 minutes before eating is advisable to allow the temporary filling to harden fully. However, waiting until the anesthetic has worn off before eating is generally recommended to prevent accidentally biting your cheek or tongue. This precaution ensures a more comfortable and risk-free patient experience post-root canal treatment.


Where We Are
3020 Granville Drive NW
Edmonton, AB
T5T 4V3